Here at Keatons, we’re in the business of buying and selling houses, so we know what sells and what stagnates. Here are our five tips to a speedy sale:
Make do and mend
Turn sentiment around your home from ‘it’s a bit of a fixer-upper’ to ‘we could move straight in’ by sprucing things up.
Now is the time to complete those DIY jobs you’ve been putting off for the last three years. Fix the leaky tap; repaint the walls; mend the broken door handle. They may be small things to you, but unkempt details do put potential buyers off.
If you’re the colourful type, it may sound terribly boring, but neutral colours are best for selling your home.
No buyers will be put off by neutral shades, especially white walls, as they create a blank canvas for buyers to project onto, and rooms seem lighter and brighter. A trip to the DIY shop and a day or two spent painting each room white really will be worth it.
Clean the house!
First impressions matter. Don’t let your buyers be distracted by last night’s dishes in the sink or dirty grout on the bathroom tiles. Ensuring the house is sparkling clean and smelling fresh is a quick win.
You may love your killer Star Wars toy collection, but you can bet that your buyers probably won’t want to use the entire living room as a display cabinet. Pack away as much personal clutter as possible to present each room neutrally and to increase the illusion of space.
Put all your knickknacks into storage, but don’t remove all the personality: you want buyers to imagine themselves living in your home, so you’re going for cosy, homely, and practical – not Holiday Inn blandness.
Finishing touches
Make sure the garden is tidy. Mow the lawn, trim the bushes and plant some flowers.
Some subtle staging won’t go amiss either, like fresh fruit in the bowl and fresh towels in the bathroom. Light the wood burner if it’s a cold winter’s day. Leave wine glasses on the garden table if it’s sunny to help to set the scene.
You may not have used the garden since 1998, but you want buyers to picture themselves enjoying that glass of wine on an evening. You’re selling a lifestyle, not just a house.
If you’re considering putting your house on the market, give us a ring. We’ll be happy to provide guidance that will sell your home faster.